09 august 2007.

this picture is in the back of two gay publications, next and hx, this week. that’s totally against the rules for the photographer to sell the same pics to different mags, but what an ego boost.

filed under: misc and gay and new york city | comments: 1 comment

02 august 2007.

holy crap, i can’t believe it’s august. that’s a little frightening, actually.

i’ve had a really crappy week–really. crappy. week.–so i’m trying to keep myself busy. pardon the dust. inspired by my new myspace redesign, i decided to do up the blog, too. just to keep things interesting. they’re really, really similar now, but it’s ok: one is for networking, one has blogs. i’m also constantly tweaking and will probably change the myspace friend pics to other blog pics. i just…need. to. sleep. now.

i downloaded ratatouille. it was super stellar. also super stellar is amy winehouse’s “tears dry on their own,” which i have played out like few songs have been played out.

filed under: misc and music and movies | comments: 1 comment

31 july 2007.

this was absolutely hilarious. better than you would think, i promise. see it while the fans are still filling the seats; it’s better as a shared experience. and stick through the credits.

youtube: simpsons trailer

filed under: misc and youtube and movies | comments: none

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he was building an imperial self out of some tabloid aspiration (delillo)

i'm 21. i live in brooklyn. i'm in a greek society at an ivy league. i am poor, and i have a tattoo sleeve and plugs in my ears, and i am socially inappropriate, and i don't really know what to make of all of these contradictions i embody.

you can see more photos of me on flickr or at the networking sites listed below.
the story thus far:
my columbia essay re: how a kid goes from being homeless on the streets of new york city to becoming an ivy league student
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aim: en desordre


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if you've been thinking of buying domain space, give my host a try. i have more space and bandwidth than I could ever use, they set up my wordpress blog and photo galleries with one click each, and the customer service is amazing. i did my research and it's head and shoulders above .mac, register.com, or any other host there is. plus, it's cheap, and even discounted for now. try it, i wouldn't bs you. click here, and if you sign up please use my name (sevans112) as your referral. rock and roll.

hillary 2008.

loves them!

bart; ultrasparky; joe my god; ham & cheese; plaid pants; thomas & co.; manhattan offender; jordan nasser; omg! blog; completely naked; pri

also, i love my sexy friends on livejournal; visit them.

huffington post; tmz; d listed; queer click; pink; engadget; nyc bloggers; best gay blogs; gawker; ambrel; consumerist