
Here’s what you’ll hear on my iPod nano lately. The linked ones have MP3s; please save to your computer instead of just clicking and streaming.

01 i heard it through the grapevine, the slits
02 disco 2000, pulp
03 does he love you?, rilo kiley
04 rebel girl, bikini kill
05 sorry, madonna
06 older chests, damien rice
07 oceania (remix), bjork feat kelis
08 every breath is a bomb, blood brothers
09 volcano girls, veruca salt
10 you’re no rock+roll fun, sleater-kinney
11 bang bang!, le tigre
12 independence day, ani difranco
13 10 dollar, m.i.a.
14 peek-a-boo, siouxsie + the banshees
15 a little priest, sweeney todd in concert
16 debaser, the pixies
17 this is love, pj harvey
18 another one bites the dust, queen
19 house of jealous lovers, the rapture
20 taylor the latte boy, kristen chenoweth
21 birds of a feather, kind of like spitting
22 banquet, bloc party
23 i shall be released, jeff buckley
24 old soul song, bright eyes
25 lover’s spit, broken social scene
26 red red red, fiona apple
27 breaking the law, judas priest
28 i predict a riot, kaiser chiefs
29 boys don’t cry (acoustic), the cure
30 useless desires, patty griffin
31 a case of you, joni mitchell
32 don’t bother, shakira
33 to zion, lauryn hill
34 tangled up in blue, bob dylan
35 ur hung up (mash up), madonna/m.i.a.

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1 Comment »

  1. Hey, love your ipod list. I came across your page searching the internet for bjork’s remix of oceania with kelis. Someone mentioned it on her itunes page, but it isn’t for sale. This is the only place I’ve found where I can hear it. Do you know where I could download it or purchase it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Comment by Zach — August 4, 2006 @ 1:10 am

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