Didn’t You Go To…?

A funny thing happened today. I was on the subway platform waiting for the train and I saw someone from high school, someone who was in a few of my classes, standing a few feet away from me with his friend. In my mind, I said, “Hey! How’s it going? How’s life been since you graduated?”

Flashing back to reality, I realized I really didn’t care. I watched him leave the Brooklyn-bound F a few stops later and walk off.

Formalities are so interesting; I could have had that conversation with him, but really, did I care if his life was going well or if he was just struck with a severe case of genital herpes? We weren’t friends, just accquaintances, and I most likely would not see him again after that conversation. I just didn’t feel the urge in those ten minutes to do anything but stare and think back to those days in North Carolina.

I think we’ve all gotten that lazy. This is the era of text-messaging. We have the ability to get the information we need without the “Oh, how have you BEEN?” and “…Well, I have some errands to run, so I’m going to get off of the line.” and I think it’s starting to transpose to every facet of daily life. Or maybe it’s just the city, the too-cool-to-care nature, but honestly…I enjoy it.

A note to the MTA: Thanks a lot for the four free days’ worth of subway rides that you see fit to be a “holiday gift,” but I’d really rather have the ability to ride the L from midnight to 5am and on weekends more than 25% of the time. It’s nice to see you have your priorities in order.

Watching Madonna’s new video, all I could think about was what amazing ass exercises she must do. Check that thing out.

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  1. You make a really good point.

    Comment by placebohigh — October 30, 2005 @ 9:19 pm

  2. big cities breed isolation… at least nyc has some sense of community… la is more like a wall-to-wall strip mall… check this guys lala attitude:


    Comment by Jace — October 31, 2005 @ 3:49 am

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