NYC Strike, Day Three.

This is actually in retrospect, seeing as the strike is finally over.

I finally ventured out into the world on the last day of the strike. I took a car service into Manhattan to open my store. The three-person minimum started at 5AM, so to be safe, I left my apartment at 4:15 or so. I worked from 5:15AM-1:45PM at my store, picked up a last-minute shift at another store from 2PM-7PM (I figured if I was going into the city, I might as well make up some hours I lost during the past two days), and then did a trek over the Williamsburg bridge and ino Bushwick. I got a little lost and went too far into Brooklyn. (Not to self: if you pass a street named “Malcolm X Blvd” ever again, you are too far into the ghetto.)

I estimate the walk home, mess-ups and all, approached six miles. I don’t want to do that regularly, but I actually liked the walk. The view from the bridge is really pretty, the weather was really nice, and I needed the exercise. My store actually gave me money for the ride, but I thought “When else can I say I walked from Soho to Bushwick in the middle of winter?” My feet were killing me, but that’s life. I also didn’t have any trouble falling asleep, as I usually do. Maybe a little more walking around would help me out.

During those six miles, I carried some new things I got from Amazon with me, and I couldn’t help but think the timing couldn’t be more inopportune.

If I had been mugged, I would have lost a $500 8-megapixel Canon Powershot S80 and nearly $200 worth of memory. Having this camera excites me to a degree that I can’t even start to explain. When I learn to use it and take pictures worthy of it, I’ll be even more excited.

What does any narcissist do when he gets a new camera? Takes pictures of himself, naturally.

By the way, I added some MP3s to the site. I’m going to try to bulk up my offerings some more; I have a lot of unused space.

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  1. youre still hottt.

    Comment by texas — December 23, 2005 @ 5:52 pm

  2. I really like the colors in these shots. Your eyes look really amazing up against the shaded green of the wall. The red of your jacket is a nice splash too.

    Comment by Shiv — December 23, 2005 @ 6:24 pm

  3. Special note: I work in a call center for Chase and let me just say that everyone and I mean EVERYONE in Brooklyn and the Bronx are some of the meanest people I have ever spoke to in my entire life.

    Comment by Steven — December 23, 2005 @ 9:40 pm

  4. thanks for the MP3’s… i haven’t got liveplasma quite figured out yet… dynamic relationship mapping of music or movies, stars or directors… it seems to be one guys beta project… i wish google had a similar interface… the default colors are bland… you can change them in ‘design’ and scrolling works with page clicks vs scroll bars… check it out…

    you got the hot camera ! was looking at it earlier but not find one… picked up a panasonic dmc-lx1 instead… same wide lens but the S80 totally wins on low noise and detail… should have waited a few weeks… i trust this site for reviews and camera specific forums that have info that’s not in the manual… total indy… if simon likes it, it’s good!

    Comment by Jace — December 24, 2005 @ 12:24 am

  5. awwwh, baby, you look as gorgeous as always.

    p.s. add me back, this is strict__machine, but my lj got deleted =(

    much love

    Comment by josé — December 25, 2005 @ 3:36 pm

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he was building an imperial self out of some tabloid aspiration (delillo)

i'm 21. i live in brooklyn. i'm in a greek society at an ivy league. i am poor, and i have a tattoo sleeve and plugs in my ears, and i am socially inappropriate, and i don't really know what to make of all of these contradictions i embody.

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