02 october 2007.

does anyone have a wii?

i got a wii last week (along with a big-screen tv, but i digress). now i need people to be friends with my mii, scott antho-wii. if you don’t have a wii, you have no idea what i’m talking about, so just ignore me.

wii number: 7177 4674 0079 2629

p.s. resident evil 4 is way too scary. i seriously can’t play it for too long at once.
p.p.s. oh, zelda. you never let me down.
p.p.p.s. the virtual console is amazing. super mario for 5 bucks. yes.
p.p.p.p.s. i blame milla jovovich for this all. i saw the resident evil movie for her, and it made me realllly want a console.

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  1. i dont have 1. i miss zelda.

    Comment by chris — October 3, 2007 @ 10:07 am

  2. Wii number:

    7729 4938 7664 9728

    Add me!

    Enjoy your blog very much!

    AIM me sometime : Lawfulbat

    take care

    Comment by Tyler — October 8, 2007 @ 5:26 pm

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he was building an imperial self out of some tabloid aspiration (delillo)

twenty one. nyc.

i'm scott anthony. most people know me as a decently cool character. it's bullshit. i'm actually highly emotional and socially awkward, but i try to cover it up. street cred will be the death of us all. i won't spend much time listing my interests anymore. the fact that your favorite movie is also dancer in the dark, or that you love don delillo, or that you listen to the knife, doesn't mean that i won't want to kick in your teeth. shared interests are fine, but i actually make much more fulfilling friendships with people completely different than me. i can easily become a stress case. i love and value people who mellow me out more than anything else. i love new york. i love vibrancy. i love being pulled away from what i supposed was my birthright: my unerring sense of rationality. in fact, as time goes by, i get more and more joy out of the beauty in disarray. if you love life and truly live, i love you and want to know you.

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