27 april 2008.

spot-on ny times op-ed by elizabeth edwards, lambasting media coverage of political season:

“Did you, for example, ever know a single fact about Joe Biden’s health care plan? Anything at all? But let me guess, you know Barack Obama’s bowling score.”

in this year of personality politics and infatuation, someone finally gets it right.

read more

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25 february 2008.

There’s a fascinating profile of Chelsea Clinton in this week’s New York magazine. Read it here.

Someone wrote a response saying:

“How ridiculous. More DYNASTY dreams. Chelsea Clinton pretended NOT to be an active participant in the Campaign for a year — and REFUSED to speak to a little girl cub reporter! This you call CHARM! We REALLY need to turn the page because family dynasties have seriously harmed the American people and is un-American. Turn the page from this nonsense.”

And I just haaaaad to reply.

“Chelsea Clinton is her own woman, Renatam. She’s not living with Bill and Hillary, and spending all day plotting how they can rule the world as a gang of three. She’s a very smart and articulate surrogate on her mother’s behalf. This is besides the fact that the dynastic spin of this story is the work of the magazine. Even if she wanted to run for elected office one day: You’re speaking of things that are un-American, and yet you want to limit someone’s opportunities in life because of her parents? The knife cuts both ways.”

filed under: misc and new york city and politics | comments: none

22 february 2008.

the difference between clinton and obama on health care:

youtube link

i’m still with her. i like him, and i am 90% sure momentum will carry him to the nomination. it’s unstoppable. i will be fine with that. but come on, the mandate is necessary. for many, many reasons. john edwards got it. hillary clinton gets it. i’m really sad that barack obama doesn’t.

filed under: misc and youtube and politics | comments: 1 comment

18 february 2008.

Bickering in Berkeley

Berkeley’s city hall made national headlines in February, after its council members declared that a recruiting office for the United States marines was “uninvited and unwelcome”. A public outcry and threats from several Republican senators to strip the city of some federal and state funding led Tom Bates, Berkeley’s mayor, to apologise. On February 12th hundreds of protesters from both sides gathered outside city hall to listen as councillors decided to revoke its stand against the recruiting office, but to restate its opposition to war in Iraq.


filed under: misc and politics | comments: 1 comment

31 january 2008.

now THAT is what we needed. emphasize policy differences, but be civil. it was a really, really good debate, and made me hopeful once again after such a nasty stretch.

PS - “Less than two hours before the 2007 fourth quarter financial filings deadline, the Romney campaign announced it had raised over $27 million. But 18 of the $27 million was loaned by Mitt Romney to the campaign, meaning that just $9 million of it was raised.”


filed under: misc and politics | comments: none

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he was building an imperial self out of some tabloid aspiration (delillo)

twenty two. nyc.

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